December 13, 2012
It used to be that if, for example, a student from Malaysia, Singapore, or Indonesia wanted to earn a degree from a university in the United States or the United Kingdom he/she had to attend the university in the county where it was based. But that’s no longer the case. More and more countries are seizing on higher education as way of making it more international, affordable and accessible. Aspiring students seeking a degree from Yale University or MIT or University of Glasgow will no longer need to fly out to the U.S. or U.K., instead they can attend one of the global education hubs that are fast becoming a preferred international destination for students.
What is an “education hub?” According to Global Higher Education, an education hub is a “designated region intended to attract foreign investment, retain local students, build a regional reputation by providing access to high-quality education and training for both international and domestic student, and create a knowledge-based economy…include different combinations of domestic/international institutions, branch campuses, and forming partnerships, within the designated region.”
Competition amongst countries set on establishing global education hubs is fierce and Asia seems to be leading the movement. Some countries pushing forward with plans to be an education hub see it as a cost-effective way for students in the region to receive quality education while some higher education authorities question whether some hubs will be successful or may simply be a fad likely to fizzle and fade. It’s too early to tell. Several of the education hubs already in operation are in countries with proven experience in education-related projects but there are also some little-known aspiring hubs forming which are interesting to watch. There are probably some new hubs being launched as we speak.
Below is a list of 20 education hubs we’re aware of that include the already established, those which are concepts in the making and some up-and-coming ones (#s 15-20):
1. Abu Dhabi
2. Dubai Knowledge Village/Dubai International Academic City
3. Dubai International Financial City
4. Dubai Healthy Care City
5. Dubai Silicon Oasis
6. Bahrain
7. Kuala Lumpur Education City
8. Iskandar (Malaysia)
9. Singapore’s Global Schoolhouse
10. Incehon Free Economic Zone (South Korea)
11. Education City (Qatar)
12. Republic of Panama – City of Knowledge
13. Jeju Global Education City (South Korea)
14. Songdo Global University Campus in the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) (South Korea)
15. Doha (Qatar)
16. Manama, Bahrain
17. Fort Clayton, Panama
18. Colombo, Sri Lanka
19. Bangalore, India
20. Bhutan’s Education City
It’s too early to gage the effectiveness and success of these education hubs, but it goes without saying that Western countries, once the destination point of international higher education, are keeping an eye on this global phenomenon and most probably taking notes and learning new strategies. This new approach to bringing the best of the West to the East certainly takes the international mobility of students and the globalization of credentials to another level.
Website to check out for more information on each of the above countries:
Bhutan Education City board in place, a step closer to fruition
Jasmin S. Kuehnert
President & CEO ACEI