ACEI Global Blog

5 “What If” Questions for Engaged Education

January 9th, 2014

What if…. teachers asked students: “What would you like to learn today?”
What if…. administrators asked teachers: “What values are your students learning?’
What if…. parents were asked to express what they want their children to learn?
What if…. overall well-being were the first outcome we assessed?
What if…. schools set out to discover the unique traits of each student and built on them?


We’d like to engage you in this discussion. Please share with us your thoughts and or any comments.


Abby Wills, MA, E-RYT

Shanti Generation, Co-Founder, Program Director

Abby brings her passion for developmental education and deep respect for the tradition of yoga to her work guiding youth and teachers in contemplative arts. Abby’s approach is informed by studies in social justice and democratic education at Pacific Oaks College, as well as two decades of training in yoga.

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