May 17th, 2019
The Greek government recently announced the merging of its technological education institutes (TEIs) into universities. Here are some facts on this merger with a brief overview of the universities and TEIs and the anticipated impact of the merger on Greece’s higher education system:
About the merger:
- By a vote of 147 in favor and 100 against, Greece’s parliament, passed the new higher education law that allows existing graduates of TEIs to upgrade their degrees to full university qualifications.
- The new law will allow those employed by the government who are graduates of TEIs to qualify for higher salaries once relegated to university degree holders.
- Guesstimates claim anywhere up to 400,00 TEI graduates will have their degrees upgraded.
Here are a few facts on Greece’s higher education system:
- Prior to the passing of this new law, Greece had 2 sectors of higher education: 1) the university sector; and 2) the technological sector.
- The university sector encompassed Research Universities, Technical Universities (Polytechneia), School of Fine Arts, and the Open University.
- The technological sector included Technological Education Institutions (Technologika Ekpedeftika Idrimata/TES) and the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE).
- Greece has 23 universities and 15 TEIs (including the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education)
- Minimum academic requirement for admission to the first cycle of undergraduate programs at institutions in the university and technological sectors require the Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou (secondary school certificate).
- Institutions in the university sector offer not only undergraduate but postgraduate and doctoral level degree programs.
- Institutions in the technological sector offer only undergraduate level degree programs.
- The duration of most Greek university first degree programs is 4 years. There are 5-year degree programs in the following specialties: agriculture, architecture, dentistry, engineering, and veterinary science and 6-year program in medicine.
- The degree awarded on completion of the university program is the Ptychio and for engineering and agriculture studies it is the Diploma.
- Completion of a final paper in the 4-year program is not required but it is typically required in the 5-year engineering and agricultural programs.
- Entrance to the postgraduate programs requires completion of the first degree validated by the Ptychio from either a university or TEI or a university Diploma. Postgraduate programs lead to the award of the Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis (postgraduate diploma or specialization) after 2 years of study and completion of a final paper/thesis.
- Doctoral level studies usually take 3 to 4 years and require for entrance the Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis. The degree of Didaktor is awarded after defense of the doctoral thesis. In some cases, students may be admitted directly to the doctoral program with a Ptychio or
Here are what critics of the new law are saying:
- The upgrading of the TEIs to universities will devalue degrees of those who have met stricter admission and program requirements at universities.
- Some fear that those working for government will want to have their pay enhancements backdated to reflect this upgrade of their degrees.
- Many are concerned that overnight the mergers have promoted TEI faculty to full university professors.
- Critics claim that universities and other stakeholders were not included in the discussions about the merger of universities and TEIs which they see as having been forced through by the government.
- TEIs that have been upgraded to universities have many departments and academic programs that have not been accredited.
Here is what Kostas Garoglou, Greece’s education minister, has said to counter the criticism:
- TEI degrees would not be automatically upgraded which are contingent on when the studies were completed, as additional criteria will be established in the next 6 months.
- TEI faculty who will become university professors could be barred from responsibilities such as supervision of Ph.D. candidates if their experience is deemed insufficient.
- In some instances, TEI’s research endeavors exceed those of universities.
- TEIs are mistakenly seen as second-class institutions which Greece’s ministry hopes this merger will help rectify.
We will report back on this evolving new law as more information becomes available.
The Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc. (ACEI), was founded in 1994 and is based in Los Angeles, CA, USA. ACEI provides a number of services that include evaluations of international academic credentials for U.S. educational equivalence, translation, verification, and professional training programs. ACEI is a Charter and Endorsed Member of the Association of International Credential Evaluators. For more information, visit