December 4th, 2015
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”
― Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad/Roughing It
If you are considering to participate in a Study Abroad program, you are preparing yourself for both a rewarding and exciting opportunity in your life as a student. By living and studying in another country, you will have the chance to experience and learn from a new culture through your day-to-day activities. For some students and depending on where you choose as your study abroad destination, you will also have the unique opportunity to travel to other countries and cities near you.
Setting off on your study abroad adventure can be both exciting and stressful and perhaps scary. Given the series of troubling news of recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Kenya, and Istanbul, travel can be viewed with trepidation. It is, therefore, important to observe safety and security concerns while you’re abroad to ensure you will have a positive experience and return home with fond memories.
Here are some tips we’ve gleaned from various sources (cited at the end of this blog) which we hope you’ll find helpful:
1. Prepare for Travel
• Schedule a physical checkup with your family physician
• Have any subscription medication you wish to take with you up-to-date
• Check to see if the country where you’re traveling has restrictions or requirements on vaccinations and medications needed before entry
• Sign up for State Department’s Safe Traveler Enrollment Program
• Book your Trip through a Travel Agent
• Invest in Travel Insurance
• Share your Travel Itinerary with Loved Ones
2. Research and be aware of Your Surroundings
• Study maps so you’re familiar with the area of the where you will be living and going to school
• Have a few alternate routes memorized so you don’t use the same route to school and your residence
• Be street smart and don’t fall prey to street hawkers and scammers wanting to sell you cheap merchandise
• Avoid walking at night alone in areas you are not familiar
• Take fashion cues from locals to blend in and not stand out as a tourist
3. Safety in Numbers
• Traveling in groups, especially at night, is smart
• Let friends, family, roommates know of your whereabouts daily
• If you’re traveling to another town, share your itinerary with your friends, family, and roommate
• Know where your country’s nearest embassy and consulate is and how to contact them in case of an emergency
4. Protect Important Documents and Money
• Scan important documents
• Keep your money in different places
• Lock your passport and valuables
• Use a credit card instead of a debit card
• Keep a record of your credit card information incase they are lost or stolen in order to immediately alert the credit card companies
5. Stay Connected
• Buy a Data Plan or SIM Card
• Have a locally serviced phone number
• Provide your phone number to staff at your school, roommate, friends, and family
• Have you phone properly charged and with you at all times
6. Be Aware of Current Events
• Watch and read the news
• Subscribe to online news media through apps on your smart phone, or other social media such as Twitter and Facebook for up-to-date news
• Avoid protests and demonstrations
We want you to have a safe study and travel abroad experience. These tips are not to deter you but to empower you and prepare you as you venture abroad. After all, awareness and being vigilante are traits of a good global citizen. Traits that we can use even in our own hometowns.
Useful links:
The Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc. (ACEI), was founded in 1994 and is based in Los Angeles, CA, USA. ACEI provides a number of services that include evaluations of international academic credentials for U.S. educational equivalence, translation, verification, and professional training programs. ACEI is a Charter and Endorsed Member of the Association of International Credential Evaluators. For more information, visit