Secondary/High School

please submit the following

  • Final Examination Results (e.g., General Certificate of Secondary Education, Scottish Higher/Advanced Higher Grades, etc.). If you have not sat for the final examinations, please provide school Transcripts for each year of study you completed.


please submit the following

  • Final Examination Results for the General Certificate of Education A-Levels
  • Transcripts / Academic Records for all studies for each year of study, including titles of subjects/modules, units/credits (if applicable), and final grades/marks (see below NOTE)
  • Diplomas / Certificates / Degree Certificates earned for all studies (see below NOTE)
  • Diploma Supplements, if available (in connection with the educational reforms from the Bologna Process) (see below NOTE)

NOTE: Official university records are to be transmitted to ACEI at [email protected] electronically through Digitary or Gradintelligence.

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