ACEI Global Blog

Dispatch from the AIRC 9th Annual Conference
A New Outlook on Global Student Mobility: Recruiting in Changing Times

December 14th, 2017

December 6-9, 2017
Bonaventure Resort
Weston, Florida

Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc. (ACEI) joined more than 400 representatives from institutions, agencies, and international organizations to discuss market trends and analysis, international student recruitment processes, and best practices at the 9th Annual American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) Conference.

AIRC is a membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2008 by global leaders to promote ethical and best practices for international recruitment strategies. AIRC’s members collaborate to establish quality standards for international student placement in the United States.

AIRC is the only professional education membership association focusing solely on issues surrounding international student recruitment. AIRC is also the sole provider of independent certification of recruitment agencies based on an extensive accreditation model.

The AIRC Conference offered many quality educational sessions relating to trends and best practices of student recruitment, digital marketing, credential evaluation, and international issues affecting us today.

ACEI presented the well-received educational session, “Credential Evaluation and the Case Study of The China Market: The “Cheat Sheet” addressing combating fraud and identifying best practices in credential evaluation to a large crowd Saturday morning.


AIRC partners with other organizations to develop a future plan for more professional resources for our field. The theme at the conference was the changing recruitment landscape and how to address these changes.

Jeet Joshee, President of AIRC and Associate Vice President for International Education and Dean of the College of Continuing and Professional Education, California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) and David Di Maria, Past President of AIRC and Associate Provost for International Programs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, welcomed the large group of global leaders Wednesday to kick off the conference. They emphasized the need for outreach on student data mobility during this time of change and collaboration.

Jeet Joshee, AIRC President, and David Di Maria, AIRC Past President, welcome the attendees

David Di Maria, addressed the group thanking the excellent conference planners, attendees, presenters, and sponsors saying it was an honor this past year to have the privilege to work with AIRC Members and staff.

As AIRC is in its 10th year of existence, Di Maria also welcomed the 310 institutional members, 78 agencies, and newcomers. “AIRC is a professional association just like NAFSA,” he said. “This is the leading conference solely for recruitment and aligns with professional standards. Its brings a comprehensive collection of thought-leaders in the same room.”

George Kacenga, President Elect and Director of International Enrollment Management, University of Colorado, stated he was looking forward serving as President of AIRC and providing excellent leadership.

Laura Sippel, ACEI, and George Kacenga, AIRC Present Elect

In addition to the informational sessions, the AIRC Town Hall addressed concerns and questions about today’s uncertain political climate. They encouraged people to treat this conference like a retreat and to network with some of the “best and brightest minds here. There are great things ahead.”Highlights of the contributions of international students

The AIRC Conference also provided wonderful networking opportunities during breakfast, luncheons, and evening receptions.

The conference ended with positive messages of growth in international student population, with an emphasis on the international students that drive our profession.  Trends in the international landscape were examined, with emphasis on proper branding for providers, benefits of pathway programs, and ensuring that a comprehensive team of trusted agents are available to the attendees.

The 10th annual AIRC Conference will be held in Weston, Florida at the same location in 2018.

Laura Sippel
Director of Marketing
Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute (ACEI).

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