ACEI provides the following evaluation reports for individuals who have studied outside the U.S. and need statements of academic equivalence in terms of the U.S. system of education. ACEI evaluations are suitable for U.S. schools, colleges, universities, state regulatory boards for professional licensing, employers, USCIS (immigration) and any entity which requires an evaluation of international academic studies.

Basic (General) Report
General Document-by-Document
Suitable for employment, immigration, further education, or any other purpose where a course-by-course, grades nor GPA are not required.
- Identifies and describes each transcript, grade report, examination record, marks sheet, certificate, diploma, or degree submitted for evaluation
- Identifies the institution(s) attended and location(s)
- Confirms the status of the institution(s) attended, entrance criteria, duration of studies and purpose of program
- Recommends the U.S. educational equivalent of each level of study and credentials earned.
Comprehensive Report
[Course-by-Course with Grades and GPA] – suitable for further education/college/ university admission, licensing/certificate with a professional state licensing/regulatory board (e.g. teacher certification, engineering, real estate, accounting, nursing, dietetics, laboratory technology, etc.)
- Identifies and describes each transcript, grade report, examination record, marks sheet, certificate, diploma, or degree submitted for evaluation.
- Identifies the institution(s) attended and location(s).
- Confirms the status of the institution(s), entrance criteria, duration of studies and purpose of program.
- Recommends the U.S. educational equivalent of each level of study and credentials earned.
- Provides a list of courses/subjects studied per academic year.
- Converts instruction (lecture & laboratory) hours into equivalent U.S. Semester Units of Credit for all post-secondary/university-level courses.
- Converts grades/marks/final examination results into equivalent U.S. grades of A, B, C, D, F for each subject/course evaluated
- Calculates an overall Grade Point Average (G.P.A.).
- Identifies course levels as lower/upper division/graduate/professional level for each post-secondary course evaluated.
California Board of Accountancy Report
Exclusive. ONLY for use by the California Board of Accountancy.
NOTE: CA Board of Accountancy requires educational credentials to be sent directly to ACEI by the Institution/University
- Identifies and describes each transcript, grade report, examination record, marks sheet, certificate, diploma, or degree submitted for evaluation
- Identifies the institution(s) attended and location(s)
- Confirms the status of the institution(s), entrance criteria, length of study and purpose of program.
- Recommends the U.S. educational equivalent of each level of study and credentials earned
- Provides a course-by-course listing of courses/subjects studied.
- Converts instruction (lecture & laboratory) hours into equivalent U.S. Semester Units of Credit for each course completed and recognized as post-secondary/university-level.
If you are unsure as to what type of report to select, please contact the institution/board/agency requiring the evaluation or ACEI at email: [email protected]