July 4th, 2014
The Fourth of July: The day Americans celebrate their country’s independence.
It’s a day you probably know well, and one that you anticipate with pleasure; but there are probably a lot of fun facts about the nation’s birthday that you aren’t familiar with.
Click to see slide show of 10 interesting facts about July 4
Towering Pyramids: Bonfires on July 3rd
Before fireworks were mainstream, huge bonfires were built to celebrate Independence day.
The bonfires reached monumental proportions, but none matched the 100-foot pyramid built for the Gallows Hill bonfire in Salem, MA.
Read the article on The Atlantic
As American as Apple Pie
One American tradition; two very different ways of preparing it – one of them doesn’t even have apples in the ingredients!
Get the recipes:
Favorite 4th of July BBQ recipes
Here are some unique recipes to make your BBQ even more special with your family and friends this July 4th.
Happy Fourth from ACEI!
This independence day brings forth a new hope to make our tomorrows most beautiful and cherished. Wishing everyone a very happy 4th of July from all us here at ACEI!
Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc.