Written by Jodi Simek
Credential evaluation companies and other businesses that rely on international student mobility may want to review and provide comment on the proposed regulation to replace “Duration of Status” with a fixed time of admission to the United States for international students (of 2 or 4 years depending on a number of factors).
Below are two resources to help understand the proposed regulation and how to respond:
- The proposed regulation and link to provide comment are here: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=DHS_FRDOC_0001-1933 The regulation is very long so I recommend the NAFSA link below for those who prefer a summary.
- NAFSA and the Presidents Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration offer the following template to help with writing comment. Although it is geared toward institutions, it can also be used for organizations and businesses. https://www.nafsa.org/sites/default/files/media/document/CommentTemplateDSRule.pdf
The proposed regulation is about 250 pages long and very legalistic. The template is very good at providing some of the main themes. NAFSA has a webpage dedicated to the issue at: https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/proposal-replace-duration-status
Jodi B Simek is an international education professional with over 15 years of international student immigration experience. Jodi has also served in NAFSA national and regional leadership and is a member of NAFSA trainer corps. Jodi has served in international education positions at the University of Kansas, Washington State University, and the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater. She is also active in AICE as an affiliate representative.
The Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc. (ACEI), was founded in 1994 and is based in Los Angeles, CA, USA. ACEI is a full-service company providing complete and integrated services in the areas of international education research, credential evaluation, and translation. ACEI’s Global Consulting Group®, offers expertise in the following specialties: Media and Branding, Global Pathways, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to interested institutions and organizations around the globe. https://acei-global.org/