21 Facts About ACEI on its 21st Anniversary!

April 1st, 2015 Today, April 1st, ACEI celebrates turning 21! This is no April Fool’s joke. 21 years ago on this day, ACEI opened its office in Beverly Hills, CA, USA and has been providing its international credential evaluation services to students and immigrants from around the world. We thought in celebrating 21 years of […]

Time Traveling with Music

February 26th, 2015 In just the past couple of weeks, here at ACEI, we have been suddenly blessed by a flow of credentials from individuals with degrees in music. Holders of these degrees are from all corners of the world and studied at conservatories and universities from Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Italy, South Korea, to Canada. […]

Helping Students from Conflict Zones Part I – Credentials Evaluation

October 2nd, 2014 Photo credit: www.dnaindia.com The devastating impact on education brought on by conflict, civil wars, foreign invasions and occupations, and environmental disasters is huge. Each and everyday we hear and read news reports on conflict regions around the world. Displacement of people, the disintegration of infrastructure, destruction of education structures, breakdown of school […]

International Credential Evaluations: Standards and Best Practices

March 27th, 2014 Throughout the years, several U.S. international education individuals and organizations generously applied themselves in establishing guidelines for applied research and the evaluation of international educational credentials, while at the same time outlining the professional ethics and principles for the profession. Since its inception, the development of Standards and Best Practices has been […]

China: Taking steps to ensure academic document legitimacy

Cooperative Agreement between CDGDC and ACEI April 18, 2013 According to a recent IIE Open Door report “International Student enrollment increased by 5% in 2010/11, led by strong increase in students from China.” The report cites a 23% increase in the number of Chinese students of which 43% are studying at the undergraduate level. According […]

Understanding the Institutes of Chartered Accountants in India and Pakistan

April 11, 2013 For institutions in the United States, accounting credentials from India and Pakistan can be especially difficult to interpret. Typically, comparative education researchers and credential evaluators in the U.S. seek to determine the comparability of foreign studies to domestic equivalents based on several criteria including: • admission requirements for the academic program in […]

Importing Grade Inflation? – Credential Evaluation Economics

October 04, 2012 Are you helping import grade inflation from abroad? Many colleges, universities and licensing boards in the U.S. unknowingly encourage artificial inflation of international students’ grades by accepting questionable credential evaluations. This is a troubling issue to many comparative education researchers because of the way the foreign credentials evaluation industry works in the […]

5 Reasons Why International Credential Evaluation is Necessary:

August 10, 2012 Whether you represent a school, college, university, professional licensing board, employer, or any other entity engaged in the recruitment, placement, certification or the hiring of internationally-trained candidates, you know that educational systems and academic documents vary greatly by country. No two academic systems are alike and nothing can be taken on face […]

The Blame Game: It’s your fault! No, it’s your fault!

February 9, 2012 I am frustrated! I have just been through the twilight zone and emerged confused and perplexed; confused as to why someone else’s failure to provide necessary information, in this case payment for service is somehow my fault, and perplexed as to why an individual would even go through the effort of blaming […]